At ROD, various activities such as groupplay, bigplay and workshops are held during the week.
All levels are welcome in all activities, only the desire or curiosity to play with other folk-interested people is necessary.
A large part of ROD is everything that goes on between the activities in the planned program. When music is not being played, dancing at a workshop or cozying up on a sofa, delicious food is served from this year's ROD chef, who always prepares vegetarian or vegan food.
As a participant, you will be placed in a group with 10-15 other participants (also called "rødder"). Together as a band, you must arrange and play a few numbers based on ideas, melodies and songs that you have brought from home.
For storspil, all the camp's participants gather in one large orchestra under the direction of this year's four directors.
The four instructors have each separately brought melodies that they will teach the participants during the week. Finally, the four instructors' arrangements are played for the closing concert at the end of the week.
During ROD, various workshops will be held where you can learn a lot of different things about folk music, folk dance and everything else. Some workshops will be held by this year's instructors, some by outsiders and some by the convention's own participants. If you have a good idea, you are very welcome to hold a workshop during the week.
If you need a break, the workshop time can also be a good time to retire if the need for sleep or a bath is stronger than the desire to learn a new Bingsjö Polska.

Below you can see the instructors of ROD2025
Follow the links in the pictures to see the videos where they present themselves!
Every year a new working group is chosen at ROD. The working group plans and devises next year's convention. This year's working group is…
The 2025 working group is:
Sigrid Smith Hogue
Signe Kierkgaard Schmidt
Mathilde Emilie Sørensen
Henry Burtonwood
Lauge Johannes Hansen (Chairman)
Marie Frost Christensen
Marcus Ingerslev
Konrad Møller
Thea Lærke K. Anthony

In 1995, Anja Mikkelsen was invited by the Folkemusikkens Fællesekretariat to make a list of all young Danish folk musicians. It turned out that this was to be the seed of the first ROD. The list was used as an invitation to a convention where young folk musicians could meet on their own terms.
The first convention was held in 1996 with Anja Mikkelsen, Jesper Vinther and Julie Heebøll in the working group. Among the first "roots" are names such as Harald Haugaard, Tove De Fries, Katja Mikkelsen, Nanna Jørgensen and Steffan Sørensen. The convention was a great success, and it was the first time that so many young Danish folk music enthusiasts were gathered in one place.
Since 1996, ROD has been in constant development, now with a number of participants approaching 200 and with young musicians from all kinds of musical backgrounds, and hopefully ROD will continue to inspire and be a way into folk music for young musicians for many, many years to come. .

We play at a number of festivals every year. It's a nice way to see each other when there's no ROD. We play a concert with "storspils" tunes from this year's ROD in exchange for free festival entry and food. ROD sends out emails when the festivals are approaching.